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We Deals In
Virgin Metals

We are engaged in supplying of various virgin metals like zinc metal, lead ingot, tin ingot, and arsenic metals. These virgin metals are widely used in various industries like engineering, construction and others. We procure these virgin metals from reputed manufacturers and provide to our clients in various thicknesses, weights, sizes and grades.. Our assortment of virgin Metals is enlisted below:

Tin ingots

We are offering tin and lead virgin metals which are widely used in various industries like engineering and construction. These are provided to our clients in various thicknesses, weights, sizes and grades as per their varied requirements

Tin ingot is widely used as a coating material in High-precision electronic products, and other requirements of precision welding products, general electronics, automotive and electrical industry, and high temperature resistant products Along with this we even provide copper alloy scraps that are widely used for corrosion resistance and enhanced durability.

selenium metal granules

We are a reputed supplier, engaged in offering qualitative Selenium Metal Granuals.


Our product range encompasses Zinc, offered in varied sizes and dimensions. Zinc is lustrous, bluish-white, diamagnetic metal with hexagonal crystal structure which has lesser density to what of iron.

The commercial grades are dull in appearance and used in construction motor housings, door furniture, toys taps and pipes. Also, these are used in galvanization and electroplating processes.


antimony metals

Antimony is silvery lustrous grey metalloid which are found in nature in different forms. We are engaged in offering antimony products. Antimony compounds are basically used as fire retardants and also in microelectronics. The products are also used as additives glass.

arsenic metals

Arsenic Metal Usage:used in lead arsenic alloy, coppy arsenic alloy etc Arsenic metal of low Sb, low Sulphur and iron free or other special grade can be available
Virgin Metals
Non-Ferrous Metal Scraps